STROPS Technologies, Ltd. has concluded an agreement No. SKV-L-2016/172 with LIAA for receiving support within ERAF operational program ”Growth and employment”.
STROPS Technologies, SIA ir noslēgts līgums Nr. SKV-L-2016/172 ar LIAA par atbalsta saņemšanu ERAF darbības programmas „Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” pasākuma „Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšanas” ietvaros.

Our new concept Plug&Play infrastructure solution deserved its own, unique website that would highlight its approach and unique features so after months of hard work, improvements, and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch of our new Website! Read more…
Cities around the world are getting smarter by the day. By integrating technology into their city infrastructure, governments look to enhance public services, improve energy efficiency, and ensure better management of the city and its resources. Read more…
Illegal waste dumping, also known in some regions as fly-tipping, is something that affects all of us. Not only is it deeply harmful to the health and aesthetics of our local environment, but it also hurts our wallets, since clean-up usually either falls on the shoulders of municipalities when trash is left in public areas, or the landowners themselves if dumped on private property.
We’re in the middle of a paradigm shift in how security systems are viewed and implemented. Just like mobile phones dethroned landlines, mobile video surveillance is replacing fixed outdoor systems. And for many of the same reasons. The mobility, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of mobile surveillance systems give operators unprecedented freedom in deploying and maintaining their systems.
Time flies fast! Congratulations on our six years journey. We want you to know that your trust and support has always been the biggest drivers for our continued growth!
It feels like video surveillance systems are everywhere… except where they’re needed most.
On 31.12.2021 completed a research project in the action programme “Growth and Employment”, specific support goal 1.2.1 “Increase of private sector investments in S&D (Search & Development), activity “Support for the Development of New Products and Technologies Within the Competence Centre’s”, name of the research project: “Developing a modular multi-source power solution for mobile video surveillance”.
As a result of the research, balancing of several power supply solutions was developed and compared, finding a method that provides low losses, minimal heating, as well as fast balancing with high current.
An algorithm for determining the residual energy of batteries was studied, inspecting and evaluating the remaining energy within one cycle. The causes of battery wear were also investigated, performing tests with recharging and discharging of batteries, determining the criteria for which faster replacement of batteries is required.
As a result of the research, tests were performed to balance battery wear, within the aim of finding a way to prolong battery life, concluding that batteries are recommended to wear at a steady rate.
In general, the goals set in the beginning of the project were achieved by confirming the initial hypotheses and assumptions.
31.12.2020 noslēdzās STROPS Technologies, SIA īstenotais pētniecības projekts darbības programmas “Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 1.2.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Palielināt privātā sektora investīcijas P&A” pasākuma “Atbalsts jaunu produktu un tehnoloģiju izstrādei kompetences centru ietvaros”. Pētniecības projekta nosaukums: “Mērogojama kompleksa vairāku avotu barošanas risinājuma izstrāde mobilai video novērošanai”.
Pētījuma rezultātā tika izstrādāta un salīdzināta vairāku barošanas risinājumu balansēšana, atrodot metodi, kas nodrošina mazus zudumus, minimālu sasilšanu, kā arī ātru balansēšanu ar lielu strāvu.
Tika izpētīts bateriju atlikušās enerģijas noteikšanas algoritms, apskatot un novērtējot enerģiju viena cikla ietvaros. Tā pat tika izanalizēti arī bateriju nolietošanās cēloņi, veicot testus ar bateriju atkārtoti uzlādi un izlādi, nosakot kritērijus, pie kuriem nepieciešama bateriju ātrāka nomaiņa.
Pētījuma rezultātā tika veikti arī testi bateriju nolietojuma balansēšanai, ar mērķi atrast veidu, kā paildzināt bateriju darbības mūžu, secinot, ka visas baterijas vairāku bateriju iekārtā vislabāk ieteicams nolietot vienmērīgā ātrumā.
Kopumā secināts, ka projektā izvirzītie mērķi tika sasniegti, apstiprinot sākotnēji izvirzītās hipotēzes un pieņēmumus.

Riga City Council Information and Technology Centre, in cooperation with executive directives and Territory management administration has identified illegal dumping sites and installed eight mobile cameras which will be used to identify offenders. It is planned to install seven more mobile video surveillance cameras by the end of November.
STROPS Technologies, Ltd. has concluded an agreement No. BIZIN-I-2020/700 with LIAA for receiving incubation support within ERAF project No. “Regional Business Incubators and Creative Industry Incubators”.
STROPS Technologies, SIA ir noslēgts līgums Nr. BIZIN-I-2020/700 ar LIAA par inkubācijas atbalsta saņemšanu ERAF projekta Nr. “Reģionālie biznesa inkubatori un radošo industriju inkubators” ietvaros.